Title Slide of presentation on Bipartisan Infrastructure Law

What’s in the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law & how can the Roanoke region make the most of it?

What’s in the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law & how can the Roanoke region make the most of it?

As Chair of the Roanoke Valley-Alleghany Regional Commission (RVARC)’s Bicycle and Pedestrian Committee I gave a presentation for the committee on the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, also known as the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL). My goal in that presentation, and in this blog post, is to explain:

  1. What the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL) is
  2. Describe Key Programs and Concepts for taking advantage of the BIL
  3. Identify Opportunities for Roanoke to maximize the BIL for biking and walking

What is the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL)?

The BIL is a Trillion dollar investment in infrastructure. It is larger than, but includes a five year authorization of federal transportation funding. For the state of Virginia, the BIL means we can expect $7.7 Billion in federal transportation funding by 2026, a 33.5% increase from current funding levels. In addition, there are more than 200 Billion in competitive grants that can further increase funding available for localities in Virginia.

Key Programs and Concepts for taking advantage of the BIL

Most of the $7.7 Billion that Virginia receives under the BIL will come through formula fund programs. While biking and walking projects are eligible under most formula fund programs, the programs most likely to fund biking and walking projects are:

  • The Transportation Alternatives Program (TAP)
  • The Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality Improvement Program (CMAQ)
  • The Surface Transportation Program (STP)
  • The Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP)

TAP is the long-time source for a majority of biking and walking projects in most states, and the smallest of these four programs. STP is the largest and most flexible program. CMAQ and HSIP tend to be more quantitatively driven, and have been used effectively for biking and walking projects in some places.

In Roanoke, planning documents say that Roanoke plans to get $700-800,000 each year from TAP. Thanks to the BIL, Roanoke can expect TAP funding to increase 50%, up to $1.5 Million per year. According to past data, Roanoke tends to award two to three TAP projects each year, with a one year lapse in 2019 when no projects were awarded. TAP funding has been critical to the growth of the greenway system.

The future of transportation projects in Roanoke can be found in the RVARC Transportation Improvement Program (TIP). A TIP is a federally-required planning document that projects must be included in if they are to receive federal funds. By looking at the existing TIP, we can see where Roanoke expects funds from the BIL to go and identify potential opportunities.

In reviewing the Roanoke TIP, it is notable how much federal funding is going to I-81 and related projects. The state of Virginia has dedicated a regional gas tax to I-81 and that revenue stream is leveraged by nearly $700 million in federal funds in the Roanoke TIP. Three projects related to I-81 are 74% of planned spending in the largest category of spending, “Safety/ITS/Operational Improvements.”

In the Roanoke TIP, biking and walking projects and elements are found throughout funding categories, but are concentrated in the category “Transportation Enhancement/Byway/Non-Traditional.” Transportation Enhancements was the name of a predecessor program to TAP, but has not been used in federal law since 2012. Within the Transportation Enhancements category, greenway projects are the majority of planned spending. Overall, $53 million in planned projects are found in the Transportation Enhancements category.

Four greenway projects are planned that cost a combined $27 million. At a rate of $1.5 million/year it would take TAP funding 18 years to fund those four projects, if no other biking and walking projects were funded during that time. If we want to make those projects a reality faster, then we must find opportunities in other funding programs or through discretionary grants. Because I believe that proposals are motivating and likely to be beneficial for finding funding from any program, focusing on discretionary grants is where I see the biggest opportunities for Roanoke.

Opportunities for Roanoke to maximize the BIL for biking and walking

The big opportunity for Roanoke is a RAISE Grant. RAISE Grants are the largest discretionary grant program in the BIL and the program with the longest track record. Through 2026 there will be $1.5 Billion/year distributed through the RAISE program. 

The Biden administration has administered one year of the RAISE program. The RAISE program replaces the BUILD program which replaced the TIGER program. Since Congress authorized the TIGER program, each administration makes its mark on the types of projects funded.

For certain qualifying communities, RAISE can fund the entire project, and the Biden administration has committed to 15% of grants going to qualifying communities. The Biden administration has also added quality of life criteria that make projects that reduce automobile dependence more competitive. Even prior to those positive changes, RAISE had a good track record of funding biking and walking projects.

The Biden administration has funded several types of bicycle and pedestrian projects under the RAISE program that Roanoke can learn from.

Completing greenway networks

  • There were four greenway projects funded where the funding finished a network or segment.
  • Example: Completing the Vision – The Marquette Greenway builds 20 miles of the Marquette Greenway to complete a 60 mile path with an award of $18 million and a total project cost of $31 million.

Greenway network progress

  • There were four greenway projects funded where the funding provided for a critical connection, but most of the proposed greenway or network is unbuilt.
  • Example: Durham Belt Line builds 1.75 miles of trail with an award of $9 million and a total project cost of $16 million.

Community hubs

  • There were four projects that funded improvements on a grid of streets to create bicycle and pedestrian spaces around a community hub.
  • Example: Rockford Complete Streets Revitalization Project builds streetscape on multiple streets in a grid with an award of $16 million and a total project cost of $22 million.

RAISE grants have an average project size of $10-20 Million, $25 Million max. Looking at planned Roanoke bicycle and pedestrian projects, there are a few candidates for a RAISE grant:

Tinker Creek Greenway to Carvins Cove

  • The Tinker Creek Greenway is planned to be 13.3 miles total. There are 3.3 miles built, one 2 mile section funded by a TAP grant, and there are 10 miles needed. 
  • A RAISE grant for the 10 miles needed would pay for planning, engineering, and building. From what I have heard, right of way may be an issue and is not yet owned by any public entity. RAISE grants do not fund right of way acquisition.

Roanoke River Greenway Completion

  • The Roanoke River Greenway is planned to be 30 miles total. There are 13.8 miles built, multiple sections funded by TAP grants, and there are 17 miles needed with $22 million in projects on the TIP. 
  • A RAISE grant for the remaining miles would pay for the sections on the TIP if that funding is uncertain. In the case of the greenway section to Explore Park, a RAISE grant could play a role in resolving design issues with VDOT. The area on the south side of Apperson is the most troublesome section I’ve heard of.

There are several less planned projects that might be viable within the next five years. These projects would require significant planning. 

NW Hub

  • For many years there has been interest in developing a grocery store and other community needs in a hub space in northwest Roanoke. In 2021, the Roanoke City Council voted to direct $10 million in federal funds from the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) to bring a shopping center to the neighborhood. At this point, there should be land acquisition occurring so that the hub can be developed. A grocery store is fairly large, so it will be interesting to see the ultimate site that is developed.
  • A RAISE grant would improve bicycle, pedestrian, and transit access between the northwest hub and other key community hubs, such as Downtown or Williamson/Valley View. Key components might be a shared use path on Shenandoah, crosswalks and a protected bike lane on Melrose, a protected bike lane on 24th Street, crosswalks and a protected bike lane on Salem Turnpike, and transit stop improvements. Hub site selection will impact most pertinent projects.
  • The NW Hub site is likely to be within a Historically Disadvantaged Community that is eligible for 100% federal funding. Every census tract in the near northwest except tract 24 is a Historically Disadvantaged Community.

Star City Circuit

  • The 2017 Downtown Neighborhood Plan proposed a Downtown Roanoke Urban Loop that would create a six mile system of safe routes connecting key neighborhoods in downtown Roanoke. In 2021, I proposed a version of this route for an AARP grant and called it the Star City Circuit. By connecting downtown to River’s Edge, Wasena, Grandin, Hurt Park, and the West End, the Star City Circuit is an incredible opportunity to create connections near downtown and build on Roanoke’s impressive Roanoke River Greenway by better connecting it to downtown.
  • A RAISE grant would pay for a protected bike lane on Jefferson Road as part of a road diet, a protected bike lane on Reserve, downtown intersection improvements, two-way bicycle improvements along Norfolk Ave, and a protected bike lane on Campbell Ave and/or Patterson Ave. There is likely to be some disagreement about route and design choices. The road diet on Jefferson Road is planned and 2.3 miles of the six mile route is built thanks to the Roanoke River Greenway.
Notes on RAISE Grants slide

Notes on RAISE Grants slide

There are lots of other discretionary grants aside from RAISE. For now, a brief idea about other grants and potential projects can be found on the last slide of my presentation.

Brandon Avenue Safety Improvements

Brandon Avenue between Colonial and Brambleton Avenue was scheduled to be milled and overlaid in June of 2021. 

Brandon Avenue was scheduled to be milled and overlaid in 2021 no matter what. It was on Roanoke’s paving schedule, which is publicly accessible for the next three years. While not every road is repaved during the year that it is scheduled, Brandon Ave was going to be repaved in 2021. It is a major road, an arterial to one of the closest commercial complexes to downtown. Repaving Brandon Avenue is disruptive, most people in Roanoke would notice it, and it was scheduled for 2021.

On May 15, 2020 Mackenzie Byers was hit by a driver on Brandon Avenue and later died from injuries sustained in the crash. According to data from the Virginia Department of Transportation, at least two other pedestrians hit on Brandon Ave suffered incapacitating injuries between 2013 and 2020. Prior to Mackenzie’s death, it was unclear what the City of Roanoke would do when it repaved Brandon Avenue.

Mackenzie Byers’ death galvanized people asking for a safer Brandon Avenue. In surveys conducted by the City of Roanoke Transportation Department 63% of people indicated that they supported a road diet that eliminated one travel lane to provide for a turn lane and two buffered bike lanes. A crosswalk was placed close by the intersection where Mackenzie Byers was struck. 

Brandon Ave was identified as a priority corridor in the 2012 Bicycle Plan adopted by the Roanoke Valley Alleghany Regional Commission and for several pedestrian improvements in the 2015 Pedestrian Plan. In repaving and restriping Brandon Avenue the city delivered on its recently adopted Comprehensive Plan that promises a Livable Built Environment and Healthy Community. The Roanoke Valley Alleghany Regional Commission Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committee held a site visit for Brandon Avenue. About a dozen people walked the length of Brandon Avenue from Towers Mall to the Main Street intersection. A couple biked the route and side streets. Bicycle and pedestrian deficiencies were noted, including:

  • A sidewalk on only one side of Brandon Ave.
  • A transit stop with a small waiting pad at Malcolm Street NW.
  • No bike lanes.
  • No crosswalks.
  • Limited crossing points at 23rd Street SW, including a pedestrian landing that does not connect to the sidewalk in front of Tropical Smoothie Cafe.

When Brandon Avenue was repaved it was striped with two travel lanes, two buffered bike lanes, and a center turn lane. At some points additional lanes are available to cars and trucks.

As a person who bikes regularly from Wasena to Towers Mall, the changes to Brandon Avenue change my experience and choices of how I ride. 

  • I used to be scared to bike on Brandon Avenue, as I perceived that many people drove 35-40 mph when it was signed for 30 mph.
  • I used to be scared because there were no bike lanes, and that fast traffic was frustrated to be stuck behind me at 15-20 mph.
  • I used to regularly use Windsor Avenue, as described in this blog post, in order to avoid Brandon Avenue.

Now, when I bike to and from Towers Mall, I ride on Brandon Avenue:

  • It feels 30 mph now, with less speeding..
  • With the buffered bike lanes, I feel safer as traffic does not come up directly behind me.
  • With the bike lane going up the hill, I ride to the entrance in front of Kroger rather than taking the longer turn up 23rd Street SW.
  • It is legitimately nice to pass stopped traffic heading down the hill to the intersection at 23rd Street SW.
  • It still feels awkward between Malcolm Street and Main Street, due to overhanging trees that obscure traffic lights and shared lane markings.

    Brandon Ave in Feb 2022

    Brandon Ave in Feb 2022

Overall, I’m honestly surprised how large of a difference the restriping made. It feels like a very different road. It feels safer. It feels like a place that I can include on a bike ride without having to warn a newer rider. It feels like a great response to one of the biggest dangers for people walking, two lanes of traffic in the same direction where one lane may stop and another may not. I hope this is a sign of things to come in Roanoke and the United States. Fewer lanes, lower speeds, more biking, more walking. Changing our streets is difficult, but it’s possible and Brandon Avenue is a great example of taking an opportunity to improve a street for the better.